25 June 2009

Chapter 65: Good VS Bad

When it was the Homiletic class, we were given a work to extract the significance between Old Testament and New Testament: Isaiah 61:1-6 and Luke 4:16-24. I began to find out an interesting fact. Jesus did not read out the last past of Isaiah 61:2:

“and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,”

At that time, Jewish were brought to Babylon to be slaves. They were ill-treated badly. So, it is not surprising that their heart contained full of vengeance. They wanted to take revenge so badly. Though people in Old Testament did repent and mourn to God, it does not mean “all” Jewish. I believe they even curse the Babylonians, by saying something like “Beware! My God will destroy you one day!”

The Jewish did not remember the good things which our God had done for them. That is why God kept on repeating, “I am your God who brought you out of Egypt.”, “I am the God of your forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” However, I truly believe that the Jewish remembered mostly on the hatred of what their enemies had done to them.

I do not understand why Isaiah, the prophet, wrote this sentence “vengeance of our God”. Whether it is of God or of human, this is not my point. I only wanna tell you all one thing: Human remembers “bad” more than “good”.

Why do I say that? Good and bad things, which will you recall more often? Obviously, the answer is “bad things”. After reading this now, I am very sure that some will say, “No. I am not like that.”

Do not claim yourself to be holy.
Gossip and praise, which do you talk more?
Sorrow and Joy, which do you share more?
Rebuke and compliment, which do you recall more?
Love and hatred, which is harder for you to put down?
Your fav star and God, which is easier to remember?

I can ensure that you are on the “bad” side.

My Homiletic Lecturer - Dr Cheng

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, did not read that sentence “vengeance of our God”. I truly believe that He wanted us to learn to let go of our bad memory, and reconcile our enemies. Instead of “vengeance”, he teaches us to love and forgive. That is why many people are changed in the name of Jesus Christ.

Romans 12:9
"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."

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