29 November 2009

Chapter 119: Continue to Move on

I praise God for His mercy. Once I got my camcorder, I will start to make business. I do pray that God will continue to bless in my journey. I need Him in my life.

As I was doing something in my room, my daddy entered my room and sat on my bed. He had a long conversation with me. Then he began to say something about lifestyle.

"Jack, as we show our good deeds to others, God will delight in it. Wherever we are in, no matter what circumstances we will face, we must be faithful in what we are doing. I believe when we are placed in that particular position, and when we do our best in that position, God will certainly bless us and others through our particular positions. Hence, we must do our best for God."

I was thinking that it is true. Not only to evangelize, to preach the Gospel, we must also live out our faith for Jesus Christ. We are called to be the light and the salt for Jesus. Therefore, in our Christian lifestyle, we must show our deeds to others and they will see and know who God is in our life.

God, I continue to ask for Your leading, and I shall not be afraid to move forward. Sometimes people around me (whom I do not even know) say something about me being misleading and giving wrong teachings, what do they know about my relationship with God? Why should I argue with them? No matter what they say about me, I do not care. But if I see any good advice for those who show me true sincerity and love, I will surely take it. And I will seriously thank those people who are part of my life, building me up and strong in Christ. For I know they wanna see my success in glorifying God.

I will continue to live for You in what I am doing, God. It is because that is my relationship with my Lord, Jesus Christ. I will not give up. I will continue to move on.

God, be with me.

Psalms 146:2
"I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."

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