25 March 2009

Chapter 36: First Priority

On the way to STS school, I was worrying about one thing. As I was entering into the theater for Choir practice, I managed to take a breath out. As I was thinking whether I should discuss the problem with my lecturer, she came and sat besides me, smiled and said,

Jack, you will be the narrator
for the choir presentation on 11 April 2009.”

What?! Eyes widely opened.


That is the problem which I was about to tell my lecturer. STS will be having a choir presentation on Saturday, 11 April 2009. It is about Easter Celebration. I supposed to assist ASC youth ministry on every Saturday. I was thinking whether Bishop will allow us to join the STS choir on tat day.

People always tell us to put the first prioritythe church ministry. I know that the youth ministry is important to me. However, the choir presentation is one of the compulsory events for my credit hour. (Credit hour – those who have studied in college or university will understand what I said.) Choir is one of the school requirements which all students MUST attend and join in choir.

If I choose church ministry, my credit hour which is compulsory will be gone. If I choose the STS choir presentation, my credit hour will be earned.

How am I going to bring this matter to Bishop? How should I tell my lecturer? Will she be angry? Will others think that Anglican is very arrogant? Will Bishop allow? Will Bishop be angry too? (I am not saying that he is a bad guy.) Furthermore, I really do not want to create a division between Anglican and others in STS.

God, again I am stuck in ministry and study, additionally political issue too. Now, I have one more task to do. Both are important. Which one should I choose?

Jack, you are playing a very important role. You are representing the whole STS choir to do the narration. We are all depending on you.”

Now, if you are in my shoes, which one do you choose: Credit Hour or Church ministry?

John 14:1
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me (Jesus Christ).”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really have a very tough decision to choose.

I suggest you choose communication. Try to communicate this with your lecturer first, at least he is prepared for your worst situation. Notify him that you will talk to bishop too.

Be honest about it. If honesty is not allowed in a Christian communication. What is the point of communication?

Then, write / email with further verbal explanation to bishop for his approval to join the choir. Pray that he understands your situation.

For both sides, remember to stress your interest for the choir. I believe that's where your heart is. :-)

God bless you. :-D