28 January 2008

Chapter 5: Not an Ordinary Life

Written on 28 January

In these few days, I had been observing how the people lived in their lives. The people had been repeating their life daily or weekly. And they were contented with it.

I felt that (in my opnion) this is not what I want. To me, this is meaningless. I do not want to live like an ordinary person – keep on repeating the daily lifestyle.

A person who always knows how to expose himself into the world will definitely find his purpose of life. As for me, I am a person who likes to learn new things and expose myself into different world.

Though we might have skills/talents (music, video, art design, cooking… etc),we at least travel around to expose into other places.

For example, I have a gift of multimedia. And I worked in a Malaysia company. Am I going to stay like that for the rest of my life which repeated the life again and again?

Daily Routine: Wake up, Breakfast, Go to work, Wait for Boss to give tasks, Do video, Lunch, Surf the net, Msn, Tea Break, Talk rumors and gossip, Time to go home, Shower, Dinner, Watch TV, Hang out with friends, sleep.

This is a waste of time. It is like a computer. Come on! We are humans. I do not want this. I wanna be an extraordinary person. A person who wanna be extraordinary will always cherish time to expose new areas (go to other countries and try lifestyle there, or find things that you never learn or expose before). This is what I called LIFE.

I have a friend. He is Benjamin. We knew each other during a English Youth Camp. After that, he was inspired by the brand “Jack’s Stuff”. And my C Walk attracted him till now. And now we are like brothers. Even his sister Yolanda is very nice to me.

He loves to cook. I believe everyone recognizes him as a good chef already. He used to launch a food stall in Kota Kinabalu (Central of Sabah, Malaysia). I heard that he earned good money. He is only 20 years old in Year 2008. As compared to the society, he is actually already a successful person. However, he closed down the food stall. And people complained that he should not close down.

Then he explained to me, “Jack, this is not the life that I want. I want to learn more and expose more into the world. I will NEVER want to stay in Malaysia forever. Though my food stall earned good money, this is not what I want. It is meaningless. I will be going to Taiwan for exposure.”

His thought is exactly the same as mine. I wanna do something greater for the Glory of God.

I want to have an extraordinary life
but not everyone will understand. I wanna do something different in church for the Glory of God.

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