22 May 2010

Chapter 139: Two Handicapped

"Do you know there is a chicken rice shop around the factory?"

"Where is that?" Chris asked.

"The rice is shaped in triangle." I replied.

"This is weird. Well, let's find it."

This pictue above is the one which I am talking about. We had our lunch with Chris and my dear. We had a great fellowship together. At that time, I just returned from Labuan because I had a wedding video to shoot.

While we were eating the chicken rice, there was suddenly an enormous sound from outside. My dear said, "Someone is singing Karaoke in public."

The sound was getting louder and louder. It's getting nearer and nearer to the chicken rice shop. And finally we saw two handicapped men which you can see from the picture below.

They were singing very hard, and trying to gain sympathy from people. Hence, the people in chicken rice shop began to reach out to them and insert the money into the box. One man was lame, and another one was having difficulty in walking (there was no ankle and toes). Therefore, the one who could walk was the one pushing the trolley. The lame one who sat there was holding a karaoke box and sing. With both of their ability, they managed to work out a business minded. By singing around in public, they might earn some money (though not much).

My dear and Chris went out and donate money too. I suddenly thought of one thing. Nowadays, the youths and teenagers never understand things. They tend to complain about their lifestyle and demand for more. What they demand, they never even want to put any effort in it. In other words, they take it for granted. When they have a bit of problems, they will start to complain.

These are some of the comments or status which the teenagers wrote:
"My life is very bad."
"Why God is unfair?"
"Why my life is so torturing?"
"I found myself very useless. I spent the whole night thinking about my life. Why is it so unfair?"
"Oh! How i wish I could have a good life."
"Hey! You know what? My life is worse as compared to yours. However, what to do? Move on..."

These are all rubbish. Nonsense!

What do they know about life? They live on earth less than 20 years, and they said they know about life? This is ridiculous! These youths really live in their own fantasies!

Take a look at two handicapped. They knew they were handicapped. Yet they continued to earn money. Do they not know their life is tough? They ought to live their life as handicapped for the rest of their life. As compared to yours, what is yours? Only a small little peanut that complained nothingness in your life.

We Christians are also like that. When we live in peace and harmony, we will ignore God. When we face hardship and realize that we need God, we complain and demand for more. When the life gets slightly problematic, we tend to proclaim our life is in doom.

Come on! Jesus who suffered on cross, did not even complain a single word, nor he said, "This is so troublesome to save humanity. Why do I have this life? So unfair!"

We ought to wake up. I am very focused on my goal and I do understand what I want to pursue. What about yours? Do you understand yours? Even the two handicapped even understand what their life will be. And they continued to put down themselves and earn money by singing. They did not even give up when they are handicapped.

What about us?

Proverbs 20:18
"Make plans by seeking advice; if you wage war, obtain guidance."

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