13 March 2009

Chapter 29: Human Beings (Part I)

Human Beings are indeed weird. You will never know why life is so weird even if you have God in your life. Sometimes we will ask, “Why do people such as these exist in this world?”

Those people are around us everywhere. You will agree with what I said. Here it goes:

They want encouragements,
yet they discourage others.

They want compliments,
yet they insult others.

They want praises,
yet they criticize others.

They want attention,
yet they ignore others.

They want love,
yet they don’t love others.

They want care and concern,
yet they don’t even bother about others.

They do not want to be lonely,
yet they leave others alone.

They do not want to be neglected,
yet they only look into their own interests.

They do not like people to back stab them,
yet they do this to others.

Readers, well, you know what I mean.
In conclusion, what can I say? This is what I called Human Beings. One word to describe about Human Beings,


"Human Beings (Part II)", coming soon.

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