08 September 2009

Chapter 89: God, Have Mercy

When there is a situation where the team's spirit is not united, how do you feel?

Let me confess one thing: yesterday night, during the practice, I was very frustrated. I confess my attitude and behavior were untoleratable. I know people cannot stand me yesterday. Therefore, before I start to write this post, I wanna say that God does not delight in my attitude too. I have my wrong too. Or else, people might criticise me, saying "This Jack says as if he has no wrong at all." Hence, forgive me for I do not know what I am doing, God.

Why was I frustrated? Here are the reasons:

Some people in the worship team were trying to be leaders. Some thought they were very talented, so they were not teachable. Some, who did wrong, did not even know they were wrong so they will point to others and say "Ah ya. You don't know they are like that?" or "I cannot stand them." Some thought they were very smart and good, so they kept pointing out others' problems. Some even tried to argue unnecessary things so time was wasted. Some even make the final decision without asking "Is it ok?". In the end, some went home because their parents had come to fetch them home. Why? Unnecessary time was wasted, so the practice was incomplete.

Someone asked me, "Jack, you look unhappy. Is it because your composed song 'Forever You reign' is not the response song?"

This is not the thing which makes me frustrated. If my composed song is cancelled in the concert, it's fine with me. Because it is composed for my God Jesus Christ, not for the church. Am I writing this song for the people? God knows my worship. Why should I be frustrated? Am I worried about the concert? The answer is "NO".

I wrote "God, have mercy." in Facebook status. I am not pointing to the concert. Do you think the concert will be lousy? Certainly not! All are skillful people.

Yet why I pray for God's mercy? I am pointing to our worship team. I pray for God's mercy upon our pride, our foolishness, our stubborness, our life.

Fools, do you think that when the concert is performed wonderfully, God will delight in our worship? Are you glorifying God? No! You are glorifying yourselves. Do you think you are a skilled musician, then God will be pleased? No! Even if the whole world says it is a wonderful concert, God will find it disgusting!

Why? Because of your own intelligence, your stubborness, your PRIDE!
Why do I pray for God's mercy? When the concert is over, you will continue to show your pride in your life! As if you are a genius! As if you already know how to worship God? God detests that! Where is your HEART OF WORSHIP?

Oh God, have mercy on us.
I cannot change this. God, hear my cry. Change the worship team, turn their heart back to the heart of worship. God, forgive us for we do not know what we are doing. We divided ourselves and do not unite in the body of Christ.

Luke 23:34
"Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots."

Note: If anyone in the worship team is reading this post now, and think "No. I am not like that." Obviously, it says about you, because your pride makes you say that. Ask God to vindicate us.


ŋäťäłΐє said...

haiyoo dont worry lar jack!

JoShUa Ho said...

Yer. Who you talking about oh???

Jack's Stuff said...

Joshua, that night was so obvious. Hahahaha... You should be alert. hahaha XD. Anyway, forget about it. Let's worship and give glory to God tonight!