29 September 2009

Chapter 99: No Turning Back

Jack, one more month to go. Everything will be over. God knows you are really tired... of everything.

Though assignments and exams are approaching near, you will push your limit to finish all of them. It is extremely hard to accomplish all the papers with good result. But you will try your best. You should give thanks to God for you have been given time to do most of the assignments. You must believe you can do it.

Jack, time is getting nearer. You will have a good task to do again. You will do something which people will first misunderstand you.

Jack, as time goes by, people will figure it out. However, you need to stand strong in time of crisis. Learn to face another reality. Therefore, you will rise up and push to the full force again. Remember that what people said about you, do not put it in heart. You will depend on God, your Lord because you believe in Him. He will not forsake you. He will remember what you have said to Him.
He will always remember...

...because He listens to your prayer.

Jack, You will face lots of insult and criticism. You will face new enemies in future. You will gain no support from friends. However, that is a greater goal in future. God, your Lord will keep you in His hands. And you will never be alone. And those who love you will welcome you into the family of God.

Once chosen this path, no turning back. Are you ready, Jack?

Psalms 16:11
"You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It is most difficult crisis that you will face soon, this is not easy brother to make the decision and left everything behind, putting full force to pursuing our goals. I don't know what the words to say to encourage you, but brother your situation are in my prayer. For the greater things are to come!! Amen!
