24 December 2009

Chapter 121: His Birth

As the time strikes 12AM midnight,
I was reminded "Jesus was born in Bethlehem..." Naturally, I will know it is about the birth of Jesus.

Merrily, everyone in facebook, YouTube, myspace, friendster, and anywhere else will greet one another with "Merry Christmas". However, sadly to say, there were only a few remembering to greet Jesus Christ "Happy Birthday". Not many people give thanks for His birth though they know about it.

Though it is important for us to share the good news with people, we must also honor Jesus by giving thanks to Him for His glorious birth to this world.

Readers, do greet our Lord Jesus Christ "Happy Birthday" and give thanks for He came to save the lost. We are redeemed by His precious sacrifice atonement. Once for all, he died for humanity; whoever believes in Him and follow His way shall inherit eternal life. People always imagine Jesus as a weak baby whenever Christmas comes. In fact, Jesus is no longer an infant. He is risen and He had conquered the death. Christmas is a time for us to give thanks for God's salvation, at the same time, sharing the good news with the people.

That was the night when a Savior was born... First he came as an infant, weak and defenseless. Right now, He is still alive, now sitting at the right hand of God, preparing for the second coming... Second time, when He came, He will reign with glory and honor.

Hebrews 1:3
"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."

Happy Birthday, My Lord Jesus.
Thank You for what You have done for us.

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