24 November 2008

Chapter 20: Right Relationship with God

Written on 25 November 2008

Everyone wants to have a close relationship with God. Jack’s Stuff desires too. People often sing in church, “We long to seek Your face. Draw me close to You. I will follow You wholly.”…etc. So, do you think they really mean it when they sing that?

Example 1: “We long to seek Your face.”
Often I heard the youth singing something similar to this verse, but do they really seek God’s face daily? I think they hungrily seek the movie series (Love story, Adventure…etc) more than God daily.

Example 2: “Draw me close to You.”
Often the church got event, most of the people will find excuse, “Ah ya… busy!” Or they will say, “Ah ya! I am so tired. I’m lazy to attend.” Even God wanna draw these people close to Him, but they rejected and ignored God.

Coming to church is our lifestyle already. It is our relationship with God eternally. If the people really want to have a closer relationship with God, does the church still need to call those people to come? Is it a duty for the church to call the people? Or should I say, do the people know that they are actually having a relationship with God? These people especially youth will say, “The leaders didn’t call us, so we assume there is no cellgroup gathering.” So do you want me to call you to eat when you know you need to eat, dude?

Christians often share gospel to people – Heaven is free. Jesus is good. God changes our life. However, look at their life. Is there any relationship between them and God? Non Christians are not foolish; they can see whether we have God through our life testimony. They will know whether you have a right relationship with God. Is your life really changed? I ask you now.

Heaven is more important? Or the relationship with God is more important? They are not the same. Think carefully. Most Christians will say, “Believe in Jesus, so you will not go to Hell.” It is true in what they say, but they should actually emphasize the relationship on God instead of Heaven, even though Heaven is the gift of God.

As you can notice, if those Christians say, “Believe in Jesus, so you can go to Heaven.”, you can see that their relationship with God is not right. It is because they do not want to go to hell, so they believe in Jesus. In fact, they care for themselves more, and simply ignore God in their life. In other words, they focus on themselves more than God. This is called “Selfish”. Do not simply say that we love God, yet we know that we are not. You know yourself clearly.

As a father, he will challenge his son saying,
“Son, if you score “A” in all your exams, I will give you a gift which you desire the most.” Hence, this son can have either one of the thoughts in his mind:

1) I score “A” in all my exams, is because I can get the gift which I desire the most.

2) I score “A” in all my exams, is because I love my father. I want to honor him. I wanna make my father proud. The gift is not that important. However, I will still accept my father’s gift because it is from his heart.


Now I ask you. Which mindset do you have?
In future, I will write more on how we get the right relationship with God.

Romans 12: 1 – 2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bro what u write is true i wish i can go kk to know more about u for my focus now is go there and hope u can cauncel me i rly lost in the hand of the darkness i wish u may help me u are my last hope of rebuke me back bro i wish i can be some one who please God and not make him shy well u say is true but for me i perfer God rather than heaven coz heaven nvr did anything to me and love me befor but God is the one important to me if he is no there i maybe a useless dog
